Day 3:
Well all non necessity shops are now closed. Only supermarkets and pharmacies remain open but with limited staff and some limited hours. The shelves are nice and full though as commercial transport is still running. GP did a big supermarket run today for us and of course MIL. He came home with lots of wine so we're good. There are still some flights running, mostly KLM. I guess the dutch think they're untouchable. Trains seem to be running but probably also limited. We are in touch with our friends via Whatsapp and phone. Some are stressed out, others are taking it in stride. As walking around is the only activity left to folks, there are lots of strollers and dogs taking the air. All are keeping a respectable distance from one another.
Oh. And in response to dickhead blocking all flights from Europe and spreading hate by calling it a "foreign virus" I have this to say:
Donnie you dimwitted hatemonger, did you know that the first case of CoV in the US was brought in from China and NOT Europe? Did you know that the US with it's BEAUTIFUL private healthcare system has far fewer hospital beds and especially ICU beds than Italy, China or S.Korea, all countries with universal healthcare. (oooo bad!) AND did you know that when the shit hits the fan in The States thousands of people will end in bankruptcy for lack of healthcare and loss of work and you and your blackhearted cronies won't even pass a bill temporarily nullifying copays! Here in commie land NO ONE will lose a home, job or health coverage. Will someone PLEASE SPIT ON THAT MAN!!!!! Oh, and btw. Exempt from all CoV protective protocol are the 20,000 American troops being sent to Europe for joint exercises with European troops. Really?
stay well xxoo me
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