View from Convento de Cristo once a Templar stronghold

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day 12:

GP's Level A has come to pass.  These are the levels that will bring home the reality of the situation to MIL.
A.  Someone she knows of dies.  ie: somehow connected to someone from her town.
B.  Someone from her town dies. (getting closer)
C.  Someone she is related to or knows well dies. (mind you related to in the Latin sense like cousins of in-laws grandparents.)
So the mother of the baker who has his bakery below her back balcony died.  She lived in Bergamo, the hardest hit area.  Level A.  It's like The Six Degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon. 

Of course with all this shut in at home, what are the Italians doing?  COOKING!  As though it's not enough that I'm getting no exercise, (my 45 minutes of yoga??), we are also being inundated with the aromas coming from the various apartments around us and they ARE KILLING ME!  I am STARVING!  Then to top it all off an upstairs neighbor, who is Venezuelan and studying to be a pastry chef, has started to make desserts and leave them by our doors!!!  She sends out a message on the condo's whatsapp site and says what she's making and are we interested.  Uuuuuh.  YA!  I will spend these weeks watching my hips expand...

Stay well!  xxoo me

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shelly! I have been reading your blog again, and thank you for sharing daily updates of what has been going on in Northern Italy. So awful. no words. I know that we are only at the beginning stages here in the USA and in Maine. Schools are closed until April 27 for now. What will Grace do?? Nick was actually on spring break in Florida when it all started. He stayed an extra week and is now flying back to Boston. He needs to go to his college in RI and get all his stuff. Classes will resume online as of Monday. He might self quarantine for a while at a friend's house before coming home. Sending hugs to you and GP! Nat


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