Day 22:
Finally some good news. The number of contagions is falling and the people recovered is higher and higher.
I haven't worn a bra in 3 weeks. Picture this: A nearly 60 year old me, yoga, slapping my face doing downward dog.
GP has escaped from his mother. He told her he was popping out to the butcher's and has been hiding out here most of the day. He keeps finding reasons not to return; a shower, a cup of tea, a documentary on hyenas...
I am thinking of taking a walk tomorrow carrying a shopping bag. Should the police stop me I'll tell them I'm off to the supermarket. On foot. If I don't get out and get some exercise I'm going to meld into the sofa.
That's all for now. Stay well. xxoo me
View from Convento de Cristo once a Templar stronghold
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
Day 21:
I've been writing this for THREE weeks! Gah.
Now this where things get really hairy. I've finished the shows I've been watching and none of the ones I'd like to watch are on my Netflix! Netflix is different in every country. Who would have known? Damn.
I've been cooking up a storm. With Grace in quarantine and me in lock down, I'm doing my best to create yummy meals that are healthy (fight off bad stuff), low fat (no exercise), and vegetarian (Grace threw a curve ball). So I've been trying all sorts of new recipes. GP had been the principle chef for some years now. When Grace left for college I lost interest in cooking and have been doing ever less.
But now I'm whipping up soups (home-made tomato with tortellini, white bean broccoli and spinach with arborio rice), and salads (kale, black bean with home-made salsa adobo) and pizza! I've made oat bars for breakfast and Irish soda bread! Next on the menu is Mexican and Thai. I am a flippin' thrill a minute!
Stay well. xxoo me
I've been writing this for THREE weeks! Gah.
Now this where things get really hairy. I've finished the shows I've been watching and none of the ones I'd like to watch are on my Netflix! Netflix is different in every country. Who would have known? Damn.
I've been cooking up a storm. With Grace in quarantine and me in lock down, I'm doing my best to create yummy meals that are healthy (fight off bad stuff), low fat (no exercise), and vegetarian (Grace threw a curve ball). So I've been trying all sorts of new recipes. GP had been the principle chef for some years now. When Grace left for college I lost interest in cooking and have been doing ever less.
But now I'm whipping up soups (home-made tomato with tortellini, white bean broccoli and spinach with arborio rice), and salads (kale, black bean with home-made salsa adobo) and pizza! I've made oat bars for breakfast and Irish soda bread! Next on the menu is Mexican and Thai. I am a flippin' thrill a minute!
Stay well. xxoo me
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Day 19:
It was sunny today. YAY! It means getting OUTSIDE! As I've done just about all that can be done in my garden until everything really starts growing, I'm thinking of taking my clippers out to the communal front gardens and trimming back the dead wood on the bushes. That will busy me for an hour or so.
Having Grace locked in her bedroom and never coming forth has taken me back to her teen years here. The only difference is that she would come out to eat. I have been slipping her meals under the protective plastic. It's only been 1 full day. This is going to get old fast.
Another 900 or so dead in the last 24 hours. Every evening at 6 the government puts out the official number of deceased. We are running out of old people. There have been the first deaths in MIL's home town. She is taking it more seriously now. Though she still has some odd ideas. Her priest called to check on her today. Up until the lock down she had been volunteering every Monday morning in the church office and she and the priest have become very friendly. MIL told him to "drop in when he takes his daily walk". Gian Piero almost had a coronary. He told her no one can "drop in" because we are all in lock down and, by the way, Don Giuseppe isn't out walking every day either! Her answer? "The virus won't touch Don Giuseppe. He's a priest." Uh huh. When GP called to tell me this he was hiding in the bathroom. Evidently his privacy is not something she has learned to respect in all the years he has lived away from home. When she hears him on the phone she walks in the room and listens. He'll be spending a lot of time in the bathroom.
Stay well. xxoo me
It was sunny today. YAY! It means getting OUTSIDE! As I've done just about all that can be done in my garden until everything really starts growing, I'm thinking of taking my clippers out to the communal front gardens and trimming back the dead wood on the bushes. That will busy me for an hour or so.
Having Grace locked in her bedroom and never coming forth has taken me back to her teen years here. The only difference is that she would come out to eat. I have been slipping her meals under the protective plastic. It's only been 1 full day. This is going to get old fast.
Another 900 or so dead in the last 24 hours. Every evening at 6 the government puts out the official number of deceased. We are running out of old people. There have been the first deaths in MIL's home town. She is taking it more seriously now. Though she still has some odd ideas. Her priest called to check on her today. Up until the lock down she had been volunteering every Monday morning in the church office and she and the priest have become very friendly. MIL told him to "drop in when he takes his daily walk". Gian Piero almost had a coronary. He told her no one can "drop in" because we are all in lock down and, by the way, Don Giuseppe isn't out walking every day either! Her answer? "The virus won't touch Don Giuseppe. He's a priest." Uh huh. When GP called to tell me this he was hiding in the bathroom. Evidently his privacy is not something she has learned to respect in all the years he has lived away from home. When she hears him on the phone she walks in the room and listens. He'll be spending a lot of time in the bathroom.
Stay well. xxoo me
Friday, March 27, 2020
Day 18:
Evacuation Grace is onto step 3. She flew from London to Rome last night and had an over nite in an airport hotel. She is now going to check in for her flight to Torino. I'll be leaving in a couple hours to pick her up. The police are stopping people on the motor way to see their auto-certifications regarding travel. I have mine plus a copy of her passport and airline ticket for proof. 3000 euro fine if out and about without an approved reason. We've prepared her space as tho there was bio-hazard
which I guess there is...
I have her! Operation Evacuation Grace has been a success. She is now tucked away in her room and I'm laundering her clothes. Shoes and bags outside. All door handles re-sanitized. Still can't believe how bizarre this all is.
Off to wash the floor. Stay well. xxoo me
Evacuation Grace is onto step 3. She flew from London to Rome last night and had an over nite in an airport hotel. She is now going to check in for her flight to Torino. I'll be leaving in a couple hours to pick her up. The police are stopping people on the motor way to see their auto-certifications regarding travel. I have mine plus a copy of her passport and airline ticket for proof. 3000 euro fine if out and about without an approved reason. We've prepared her space as tho there was bio-hazard
![]() |
double plastic sheeting |
I have her! Operation Evacuation Grace has been a success. She is now tucked away in her room and I'm laundering her clothes. Shoes and bags outside. All door handles re-sanitized. Still can't believe how bizarre this all is.
Off to wash the floor. Stay well. xxoo me
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Day 17:
The Russians are coming the Russians are coming!
In 15 cargo airplanes containing:
anthrax expert who also happens to be number 2 in the army
120 specialists, all officers in the military
100 ventilators
200 masks
1000 hazmat suits
machines for testing
Obviously there is an ulterior motive in all this aid. Probably the destabilization of the EU. Possibly testing and seeking methods to prevent Russia from going the same way as Italy. Within 24 hours of arrival here, Moscow went into lock down. Coincidence? I think not! But whatever the motives their help is both necessary and appreciated.
Read this article and pass it on:
To top this all off, our lovely spring has gone south. It's f#@*ing SNOWING!!
xxoo me
The Russians are coming the Russians are coming!
In 15 cargo airplanes containing:
anthrax expert who also happens to be number 2 in the army
120 specialists, all officers in the military
100 ventilators
200 masks
1000 hazmat suits
machines for testing
Obviously there is an ulterior motive in all this aid. Probably the destabilization of the EU. Possibly testing and seeking methods to prevent Russia from going the same way as Italy. Within 24 hours of arrival here, Moscow went into lock down. Coincidence? I think not! But whatever the motives their help is both necessary and appreciated.
Read this article and pass it on:
To top this all off, our lovely spring has gone south. It's f#@*ing SNOWING!!
xxoo me
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Day 16:
Evacuation Grace prep is under way. Today I gave her room and bathroom a good going over and cleared out all my stuff that had accumulated in there; yoga mat, art supplies, teaching materials. I seem to have spread out since she moved to London. I'm like mold, growing into all the corners. I've chosen a selection of books for her in hopes that she doesn't spend the entire two weeks on her computer (which is perfectly feasible). Maybe I'll pretend we've lost power for a couple of hours a day. The main switch is by the front door. She'd never know I did it. Waahahahaha!!
Watch the video below. It's shot from a drone in a neighborhood across the city from us. The streets are empty. This is a city of a million people. Wow. If you look very carefully in the shots where you see the hills, way over to the right, half way up, I'm there waving at you!!
So they are saying that the US may be hitting peak period in 3 weeks and yet the president wants to back off shut down in 2? Whaaaaaaat? Will somebody pleeeeeeease tell that cretin Trump to SHUT UUUUP!
A thing to consider when people don't take this virus seriously; and when Americans think that our healthcare system can handle it; and that the reason things are so serious in Italy and Spain is that they are 3rd world countries; is that WHO (World Health Organization) ranks Italy's healthcare system as 2nd in the world, Spain's is 7th and the US's is 37th, right after Costa Rica. The quality of healthcare is not based on the wealth of the nation but on how important the nation deems the health of their population to be. And there you have it. Hold onto your hats people. These next few weeks ain't gonna be pretty.
Please be well. xxoo me
Evacuation Grace prep is under way. Today I gave her room and bathroom a good going over and cleared out all my stuff that had accumulated in there; yoga mat, art supplies, teaching materials. I seem to have spread out since she moved to London. I'm like mold, growing into all the corners. I've chosen a selection of books for her in hopes that she doesn't spend the entire two weeks on her computer (which is perfectly feasible). Maybe I'll pretend we've lost power for a couple of hours a day. The main switch is by the front door. She'd never know I did it. Waahahahaha!!
Watch the video below. It's shot from a drone in a neighborhood across the city from us. The streets are empty. This is a city of a million people. Wow. If you look very carefully in the shots where you see the hills, way over to the right, half way up, I'm there waving at you!!
So they are saying that the US may be hitting peak period in 3 weeks and yet the president wants to back off shut down in 2? Whaaaaaaat? Will somebody pleeeeeeease tell that cretin Trump to SHUT UUUUP!
A thing to consider when people don't take this virus seriously; and when Americans think that our healthcare system can handle it; and that the reason things are so serious in Italy and Spain is that they are 3rd world countries; is that WHO (World Health Organization) ranks Italy's healthcare system as 2nd in the world, Spain's is 7th and the US's is 37th, right after Costa Rica. The quality of healthcare is not based on the wealth of the nation but on how important the nation deems the health of their population to be. And there you have it. Hold onto your hats people. These next few weeks ain't gonna be pretty.
Please be well. xxoo me
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Day 15:
Evacuation. That's what it seems like trying to get her here from there. There are limited flights now and they fly to very few airports. Internal transport is also halted. Flights to Torino are iffy but there is ONE daily flight to Rome. So if she flies into Rome, how does she get to Torino? There MAY be one flight or one train in the morning, but the flight from London arrives at night. That means staying in a hotel at the airport.
Once she gets here she is in isolation. And we will follow the rules. I don't want to get ill as doctors and hospitals are off limits. Also, they are checking on people to insure that regulations are being respected. She will be limited to her bedroom and bathroom. The condo being small, I will actually have to seal off her area with a plastic sheet. All of her clothing has to be washed with disinfectant and bags, shoes wiped down and left outside. I'll have to disinfect the entire apartment once she's in place. I'll feed her by sliding a tray under the sheeting. Fortunately she has a nice big window and gets lots of sunshine. If the weather is pleasant she can leave it open and I can sit on our front terrace and speak to her thru the screen. To prepare I'm making up a two week meal plan and will do a big shopping before she arrives. I'll leave her a pile of books and a yoga mat.
Other news. The Czech Republic stole our masks. Supplies sent via CR from China were "inspected" and half were confiscated! Italy has made such a stink that the Czechs are now replacing them. Hospitals in crisis have no room left for all of the patients that need IC treatment. Germany has agreed to take 6 patients from Italy as well as some from France. Military planes flew them out this morning.
This is very bad folks. It is being suggested that this may all go on for MONTHS!
Evacuation is on! G has a flight Thursday that takes to Rome. After an overnight at the Hilton in the airport, she flies here Friday. (Ready to be wrapped in in plastic and stored in the freezer for 2 weeks.)
xxoo me
Evacuation. That's what it seems like trying to get her here from there. There are limited flights now and they fly to very few airports. Internal transport is also halted. Flights to Torino are iffy but there is ONE daily flight to Rome. So if she flies into Rome, how does she get to Torino? There MAY be one flight or one train in the morning, but the flight from London arrives at night. That means staying in a hotel at the airport.
Once she gets here she is in isolation. And we will follow the rules. I don't want to get ill as doctors and hospitals are off limits. Also, they are checking on people to insure that regulations are being respected. She will be limited to her bedroom and bathroom. The condo being small, I will actually have to seal off her area with a plastic sheet. All of her clothing has to be washed with disinfectant and bags, shoes wiped down and left outside. I'll have to disinfect the entire apartment once she's in place. I'll feed her by sliding a tray under the sheeting. Fortunately she has a nice big window and gets lots of sunshine. If the weather is pleasant she can leave it open and I can sit on our front terrace and speak to her thru the screen. To prepare I'm making up a two week meal plan and will do a big shopping before she arrives. I'll leave her a pile of books and a yoga mat.
Other news. The Czech Republic stole our masks. Supplies sent via CR from China were "inspected" and half were confiscated! Italy has made such a stink that the Czechs are now replacing them. Hospitals in crisis have no room left for all of the patients that need IC treatment. Germany has agreed to take 6 patients from Italy as well as some from France. Military planes flew them out this morning.
This is very bad folks. It is being suggested that this may all go on for MONTHS!
Evacuation is on! G has a flight Thursday that takes to Rome. After an overnight at the Hilton in the airport, she flies here Friday. (Ready to be wrapped in in plastic and stored in the freezer for 2 weeks.)
xxoo me
Monday, March 23, 2020
Day 14:
I gave my first lesson via Skype and did my first yoga class via Zoom. GP is working via Skype as a pro bono advisor to the neighbor's kids who have problems with their technology. I hate to think what would happen if the internet went down.
Virus deaths in Italy have decreased for the 2nd day running. They are still outrageous (601 in the last 24 hours) but slowly seem to be improving. I am praying that the peak has peaked and we are on the downward slope.
People are beginning to go nuts. A farmer was killed with a metal bar by a Pakistani agricultural worker he accused of trying to leave a "Red Zone".
We will persevere!
xxoo me
I gave my first lesson via Skype and did my first yoga class via Zoom. GP is working via Skype as a pro bono advisor to the neighbor's kids who have problems with their technology. I hate to think what would happen if the internet went down.
Virus deaths in Italy have decreased for the 2nd day running. They are still outrageous (601 in the last 24 hours) but slowly seem to be improving. I am praying that the peak has peaked and we are on the downward slope.
People are beginning to go nuts. A farmer was killed with a metal bar by a Pakistani agricultural worker he accused of trying to leave a "Red Zone".
We will persevere!
xxoo me
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Day 13:
The most exciting part of my day was taking the trash out TWICE! Have to find a new project. This is gonna go on for a while. Tomorrow I will start tutoring one of my students via Zoom and doing yoga with my class via Zoom. Yay Zoom!
The good news is that after a few dreadful days here with huge numbers of deaths, today the numbers were down by 100. HOPEFULLY the peak of the virus has been reached here and worst is over. Of course we won't know that for a week or more.
GP spent the afternoon and evening with MIL. The poor woman only has contact with him as we are trying to limit any possible exposure.
Today was overcast and chilly. With the streets so empty and quiet, it seemed like an after shot of Chernobyl. Whatta mess.
Be well everyone. xxoo me
The most exciting part of my day was taking the trash out TWICE! Have to find a new project. This is gonna go on for a while. Tomorrow I will start tutoring one of my students via Zoom and doing yoga with my class via Zoom. Yay Zoom!
The good news is that after a few dreadful days here with huge numbers of deaths, today the numbers were down by 100. HOPEFULLY the peak of the virus has been reached here and worst is over. Of course we won't know that for a week or more.
GP spent the afternoon and evening with MIL. The poor woman only has contact with him as we are trying to limit any possible exposure.
Today was overcast and chilly. With the streets so empty and quiet, it seemed like an after shot of Chernobyl. Whatta mess.
Be well everyone. xxoo me
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Day 12:
GP's Level A has come to pass. These are the levels that will bring home the reality of the situation to MIL.
A. Someone she knows of dies. ie: somehow connected to someone from her town.
B. Someone from her town dies. (getting closer)
C. Someone she is related to or knows well dies. (mind you related to in the Latin sense like cousins of in-laws grandparents.)
So the mother of the baker who has his bakery below her back balcony died. She lived in Bergamo, the hardest hit area. Level A. It's like The Six Degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon.
Of course with all this shut in at home, what are the Italians doing? COOKING! As though it's not enough that I'm getting no exercise, (my 45 minutes of yoga??), we are also being inundated with the aromas coming from the various apartments around us and they ARE KILLING ME! I am STARVING! Then to top it all off an upstairs neighbor, who is Venezuelan and studying to be a pastry chef, has started to make desserts and leave them by our doors!!! She sends out a message on the condo's whatsapp site and says what she's making and are we interested. Uuuuuh. YA! I will spend these weeks watching my hips expand...
Stay well! xxoo me
GP's Level A has come to pass. These are the levels that will bring home the reality of the situation to MIL.
A. Someone she knows of dies. ie: somehow connected to someone from her town.
B. Someone from her town dies. (getting closer)
C. Someone she is related to or knows well dies. (mind you related to in the Latin sense like cousins of in-laws grandparents.)
So the mother of the baker who has his bakery below her back balcony died. She lived in Bergamo, the hardest hit area. Level A. It's like The Six Degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon.
Of course with all this shut in at home, what are the Italians doing? COOKING! As though it's not enough that I'm getting no exercise, (my 45 minutes of yoga??), we are also being inundated with the aromas coming from the various apartments around us and they ARE KILLING ME! I am STARVING! Then to top it all off an upstairs neighbor, who is Venezuelan and studying to be a pastry chef, has started to make desserts and leave them by our doors!!! She sends out a message on the condo's whatsapp site and says what she's making and are we interested. Uuuuuh. YA! I will spend these weeks watching my hips expand...
Stay well! xxoo me
Friday, March 20, 2020
Day 11:
Wow. A lots of doctors and nurses are getting ill. Cuba has sent a boatload of medical personnel to help out. Between them and the Chinese aid I'd say the communists are coming out of this looking pretty good. The virus is still moving through the population at quite a pace so now parks are closed, walks forbidden and dog walks can only be within 300 meters of one's domicile. Churches have been closed for quite a while but yesterday the police found 30 people packed into an empty warehouse holding a prayer service. Big no no. They have all been charged with breaking a government ordinance and will have hefty fines. The organizer will probably get prison time.
I went out for the first time in days today. I just needed to pick up a some things at our little local market. There was a line out front with people spaced a few meters apart, wearing masks and gloves. They were letting us in one by one. No one was speaking. The market is situated near the train tracks and no trains passed. It was eerily quiet and I have to say it made me feel a little nauseous. This is so freaking strange. Or as my charming daughter put it when I sent her a photo, "That looks like some weird apocalyptic shit." Ya, no kidding.
We are looking now at options to get said child here. Who woulda thunk that it would be so difficult to get from the UK to Italy in times of crisis? And do we WANT her to come here? The epicenter of the virus in Europe? Have just spent an hour face timing to talk strategy. Crap, crap, crap. I am not enjoying this ONE BIT!
Stay well. xxoo me
Wow. A lots of doctors and nurses are getting ill. Cuba has sent a boatload of medical personnel to help out. Between them and the Chinese aid I'd say the communists are coming out of this looking pretty good. The virus is still moving through the population at quite a pace so now parks are closed, walks forbidden and dog walks can only be within 300 meters of one's domicile. Churches have been closed for quite a while but yesterday the police found 30 people packed into an empty warehouse holding a prayer service. Big no no. They have all been charged with breaking a government ordinance and will have hefty fines. The organizer will probably get prison time.
I went out for the first time in days today. I just needed to pick up a some things at our little local market. There was a line out front with people spaced a few meters apart, wearing masks and gloves. They were letting us in one by one. No one was speaking. The market is situated near the train tracks and no trains passed. It was eerily quiet and I have to say it made me feel a little nauseous. This is so freaking strange. Or as my charming daughter put it when I sent her a photo, "That looks like some weird apocalyptic shit." Ya, no kidding.
We are looking now at options to get said child here. Who woulda thunk that it would be so difficult to get from the UK to Italy in times of crisis? And do we WANT her to come here? The epicenter of the virus in Europe? Have just spent an hour face timing to talk strategy. Crap, crap, crap. I am not enjoying this ONE BIT!
Stay well. xxoo me
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Day 10:
OK this is something I just don't get. Every evening for the past few weeks the TV movies have all been apocalyptic or major calamity movies. We probably have the choice of 4 or 5 films a night with the standard channels we get. Every one of them, and I mean EVERY one, has been a disaster film. So it must be one of two things. Either the powers that be at the networks think they are catering to the curious, the head swiveling car crash watchers who are getting some sort of thrill out of this; or they are trying to assure us that THINGS COULD BE WORSE. There could be zombies. I am not watching TV. I'm binge watching all sorts of cheery British panel shows and gardening shows. I'm rereading a funny book that I didn't realize I had read before but decided to keep on because it's distracting me.
On another note we are hearing ambulance after ambulance go by on the main road below us. Easily one every half hour. This is not pleasant. Though sitting out on the terrace in the sun knowing that I don't need to be anywhere or do anything IS rather pleasant. The kids next door are going stir crazy. Today they were thrilled to take out the trash. Lordy kids enjoying chores. What will become of us all?
Be well. xxoo me
OK this is something I just don't get. Every evening for the past few weeks the TV movies have all been apocalyptic or major calamity movies. We probably have the choice of 4 or 5 films a night with the standard channels we get. Every one of them, and I mean EVERY one, has been a disaster film. So it must be one of two things. Either the powers that be at the networks think they are catering to the curious, the head swiveling car crash watchers who are getting some sort of thrill out of this; or they are trying to assure us that THINGS COULD BE WORSE. There could be zombies. I am not watching TV. I'm binge watching all sorts of cheery British panel shows and gardening shows. I'm rereading a funny book that I didn't realize I had read before but decided to keep on because it's distracting me.
On another note we are hearing ambulance after ambulance go by on the main road below us. Easily one every half hour. This is not pleasant. Though sitting out on the terrace in the sun knowing that I don't need to be anywhere or do anything IS rather pleasant. The kids next door are going stir crazy. Today they were thrilled to take out the trash. Lordy kids enjoying chores. What will become of us all?
Be well. xxoo me
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Day 9:
So I do wonder if this virus is nature's way of trying to get things back on track. The canals of Venice have never been this clean. The skies over China are clear. Cities are breathing. Hmm.
The Brits are beginning to freak out. Grace tried to go grocery shopping today and the supermarket shelves are bare. Nothing but oreos. So she bought them. Americans, on the other hand, are buying up guns! Talk about adding fuel to the fire! WTF? Gonna shoot the person who gets the last box of Wheaties? Here there have been no shortages. Except for ICU beds. That's becoming a bit worrisome. Hospitals may have to begin choosing who should go into ICU by selecting the people more likely to survive. Again like nature, letting the old and weak take the hit. Numbers of ill and dying are still increasing and the government doesn't know what's left to close. The next step is to send the military out on patrol to keep people indoors. It seems to have worked in China. Mind you they shot people who didn't respect the quarantine...
GP went for his daily walk this morning and passed 4 masked men carrying a casket out of a building down the road. REALLY?? DO NOT PANIC!
Stay well!!! xxoo me
So I do wonder if this virus is nature's way of trying to get things back on track. The canals of Venice have never been this clean. The skies over China are clear. Cities are breathing. Hmm.
The Brits are beginning to freak out. Grace tried to go grocery shopping today and the supermarket shelves are bare. Nothing but oreos. So she bought them. Americans, on the other hand, are buying up guns! Talk about adding fuel to the fire! WTF? Gonna shoot the person who gets the last box of Wheaties? Here there have been no shortages. Except for ICU beds. That's becoming a bit worrisome. Hospitals may have to begin choosing who should go into ICU by selecting the people more likely to survive. Again like nature, letting the old and weak take the hit. Numbers of ill and dying are still increasing and the government doesn't know what's left to close. The next step is to send the military out on patrol to keep people indoors. It seems to have worked in China. Mind you they shot people who didn't respect the quarantine...
GP went for his daily walk this morning and passed 4 masked men carrying a casket out of a building down the road. REALLY?? DO NOT PANIC!
Stay well!!! xxoo me
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Private hospitals have begun offering their facilities and staff to the public sector to relieve the strain on the hospitals. A huge new hospital due to open in the next months has opened early and will be used exclusively for CoV patients. This is getting SURREALISTIC folks.
We are having problems controlling MIL. She refuses to stay put. GP is up in arms because he thinks she doesn't take what he says seriously as she only listens to people who have careers she understands: nurses, doctors, postal workers... Her greatest font of information is a neighbor who is a FIREMAN. He is a church-going do-gooder who spends in inordinate amount of time visiting his elderly neighbors. To a cynic like myself I have to wonder what's in it for him, but evidently he is just a very nice guy. Huh. MIL has a head for numbers that is astonishing and in fact ran a very successful shop for years and has invested well and followed those investments herself since the beginning. But she is limited in her understanding of things that are not concrete. On top of that, the biggest dream for people of her generation was to have a child go into a career that would put them in high standing within their town, as life begins and ends in their communities. She would have loved GP to have become pharmacist or to work in a bank. (My son the pharmacist...) Instead he LEFT TOWN and began to work in a field completely alien to her. High Tech. And then, shame of shame, he left the country and began to work in CONCEPTS: international marketing, sales, contracts. She doesn't understand it so she can't explain it so she can't brag about it. Therefore it has no value. Poor GP. So she doesn't listen to his dire threats of the situation at hand but if the fireman tells her it's true! So we are thinking of resorting to calling Carmine, said fireman, and telling him what to tell MIL. As he can no longer visit, he yells to her across a courtyard/parking area the separates their respective balconies. Carmine, you are our only hope! xxoo me
Private hospitals have begun offering their facilities and staff to the public sector to relieve the strain on the hospitals. A huge new hospital due to open in the next months has opened early and will be used exclusively for CoV patients. This is getting SURREALISTIC folks.
We are having problems controlling MIL. She refuses to stay put. GP is up in arms because he thinks she doesn't take what he says seriously as she only listens to people who have careers she understands: nurses, doctors, postal workers... Her greatest font of information is a neighbor who is a FIREMAN. He is a church-going do-gooder who spends in inordinate amount of time visiting his elderly neighbors. To a cynic like myself I have to wonder what's in it for him, but evidently he is just a very nice guy. Huh. MIL has a head for numbers that is astonishing and in fact ran a very successful shop for years and has invested well and followed those investments herself since the beginning. But she is limited in her understanding of things that are not concrete. On top of that, the biggest dream for people of her generation was to have a child go into a career that would put them in high standing within their town, as life begins and ends in their communities. She would have loved GP to have become pharmacist or to work in a bank. (My son the pharmacist...) Instead he LEFT TOWN and began to work in a field completely alien to her. High Tech. And then, shame of shame, he left the country and began to work in CONCEPTS: international marketing, sales, contracts. She doesn't understand it so she can't explain it so she can't brag about it. Therefore it has no value. Poor GP. So she doesn't listen to his dire threats of the situation at hand but if the fireman tells her it's true! So we are thinking of resorting to calling Carmine, said fireman, and telling him what to tell MIL. As he can no longer visit, he yells to her across a courtyard/parking area the separates their respective balconies. Carmine, you are our only hope! xxoo me
Monday, March 16, 2020
Day 7:
Diego, partner Iliana and dog Blu put on an evening performance for the children, big and small, in our complex yesterday. The weather wasn't great, cool and gray, but we all bundled up and went out to our front balconies to take in the show. If I can figure out how to get the video from my freaking phone onto this site I will do so. Technology is the bane of my existence. They did a wonderful job. Diego, as I said before, is a (minor) actor of stage and screen whereas Iliana is a children's performer. I'd say they've done this act before. There was magic and singing and dancing and comedy. There were even dog tricks! It was charming. Diego has now engaged me to help him with his English pronunciation (for his songs). As we have a lot of time but can't get more than 6 feet from each other, we are going to conduct lessons over the hedge. Good thing it is supposed to be a warm week... Good Gad.
Last week I told my last holdout student that I wouldn't be going to their house any longer, or at least not until things calm down! Granddad suggested he bring her (a 7 year old I'm tutoring in reading and maths) here to me this week. I do hope he doesn't get stopped on the way here. I'd hate to think of them being hauled off to the big house.
stay well. xxoo me
Diego, partner Iliana and dog Blu put on an evening performance for the children, big and small, in our complex yesterday. The weather wasn't great, cool and gray, but we all bundled up and went out to our front balconies to take in the show. If I can figure out how to get the video from my freaking phone onto this site I will do so. Technology is the bane of my existence. They did a wonderful job. Diego, as I said before, is a (minor) actor of stage and screen whereas Iliana is a children's performer. I'd say they've done this act before. There was magic and singing and dancing and comedy. There were even dog tricks! It was charming. Diego has now engaged me to help him with his English pronunciation (for his songs). As we have a lot of time but can't get more than 6 feet from each other, we are going to conduct lessons over the hedge. Good thing it is supposed to be a warm week... Good Gad.
Last week I told my last holdout student that I wouldn't be going to their house any longer, or at least not until things calm down! Granddad suggested he bring her (a 7 year old I'm tutoring in reading and maths) here to me this week. I do hope he doesn't get stopped on the way here. I'd hate to think of them being hauled off to the big house.
stay well. xxoo me
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Day 6:
I ventured out to the little corner grocery store at the bottom of our hill. Generally it is quite busy on a Sunday morning as closes at noon. There were very few cars in the lot and the shops automatic doors were set to only open from the inside so as to let only two customers in at one time. Across the street the military police (in masks) had stopped at man who decided that this was a good time to take his fiat to the car wash. (No lines you know). That will turn out to be one expensive cleaning. A 260 euro fine and lawyers fees for your nice court date. Oops.
When I got home GP was on the terrace holding a giant salmon. Our neighbor Eric, (on the other side), picked it up at the wholesale market for a measly 3 bucks a pound! The fish markets are closed or selling very little so the wholesalers have a surplus. GP cut the fish into steaks and we split it. We have enough for 6 or 7 nice dindins.
I ventured out to the little corner grocery store at the bottom of our hill. Generally it is quite busy on a Sunday morning as closes at noon. There were very few cars in the lot and the shops automatic doors were set to only open from the inside so as to let only two customers in at one time. Across the street the military police (in masks) had stopped at man who decided that this was a good time to take his fiat to the car wash. (No lines you know). That will turn out to be one expensive cleaning. A 260 euro fine and lawyers fees for your nice court date. Oops.
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empty market - note the cashiers mask |
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naughty car washer |
When I got home GP was on the terrace holding a giant salmon. Our neighbor Eric, (on the other side), picked it up at the wholesale market for a measly 3 bucks a pound! The fish markets are closed or selling very little so the wholesalers have a surplus. GP cut the fish into steaks and we split it. We have enough for 6 or 7 nice dindins.
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big fish (and a salmon too!) | xxoo me |
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Day 5:
It's cool and gray and rainy. No playing in my garden today. Out here in the burbs, it could just be a quiet rainy Sunday with no one out and about. But Torino, a city of a million inhabitants, is FREAKY. There are videos of the streets, normally swarming with people, empty. Public transportation is still running, though I don't know who is taking it. The only vehicles are the police driving about with loud speakers telling people to respect the lock down. Geesh. Is this some dystopian future film?
Our friend and neighbor Diego, actor extraordinaire, is putting on a performance for the children in our complex tomorrow. He and his collaborator, golden retriever Blu, will entertain us at a safe distance in the green space in front of the condos. We can all watch them from the comfort of our balconies.
It looks like Spain is following Italy's program and closing down shop. The UK has started putting measures in order to do the same. Gad. I hate the idea of not being able to get to my baby if I need to!
Being closed in with all our neighbors has been quite eye-opening. I have on VARIOUS occasions mentioned our wonderful upstairs neighbors; those of the constant vacuuming, arguing and singing. But I've never spoken much about the others. The ones we actually like!
Across the hall we have a mother and daughter. Anna is a widow, retired teacher; very mild mannered and kind. They have lived there as long as we've owned the place, well over 30 years. (Her husband Enzo, was once accused of assault by the insane upstairs guy when Enzo lifted him off the ground by his lapels and told him, quite genteelly I'm sure, to keep his voice down when singing. Enzo was great...) Neither Mom nor daughter work. Mom as mentioned is retired and daughter (30ish), though she has a masters in something, has never worked but spends her days between the gym, time with her friends and home gardening with her mother. She is a carbon copy of her mom. They are the image of gentlewomen. Yesterday daughter, Eliana, and I were chatting through our adjoining hedge about our gardens. Imagine my surprise when I heard a loud, "VAI A FANCULO!" (pretty much the equivalent of Motherfucker) from their kitchen. Anna was listening to the news. She was not happy. But she certainly put a smile on MY face!
stay well!
xxoo me
It's cool and gray and rainy. No playing in my garden today. Out here in the burbs, it could just be a quiet rainy Sunday with no one out and about. But Torino, a city of a million inhabitants, is FREAKY. There are videos of the streets, normally swarming with people, empty. Public transportation is still running, though I don't know who is taking it. The only vehicles are the police driving about with loud speakers telling people to respect the lock down. Geesh. Is this some dystopian future film?
Our friend and neighbor Diego, actor extraordinaire, is putting on a performance for the children in our complex tomorrow. He and his collaborator, golden retriever Blu, will entertain us at a safe distance in the green space in front of the condos. We can all watch them from the comfort of our balconies.
It looks like Spain is following Italy's program and closing down shop. The UK has started putting measures in order to do the same. Gad. I hate the idea of not being able to get to my baby if I need to!
Being closed in with all our neighbors has been quite eye-opening. I have on VARIOUS occasions mentioned our wonderful upstairs neighbors; those of the constant vacuuming, arguing and singing. But I've never spoken much about the others. The ones we actually like!
Across the hall we have a mother and daughter. Anna is a widow, retired teacher; very mild mannered and kind. They have lived there as long as we've owned the place, well over 30 years. (Her husband Enzo, was once accused of assault by the insane upstairs guy when Enzo lifted him off the ground by his lapels and told him, quite genteelly I'm sure, to keep his voice down when singing. Enzo was great...) Neither Mom nor daughter work. Mom as mentioned is retired and daughter (30ish), though she has a masters in something, has never worked but spends her days between the gym, time with her friends and home gardening with her mother. She is a carbon copy of her mom. They are the image of gentlewomen. Yesterday daughter, Eliana, and I were chatting through our adjoining hedge about our gardens. Imagine my surprise when I heard a loud, "VAI A FANCULO!" (pretty much the equivalent of Motherfucker) from their kitchen. Anna was listening to the news. She was not happy. But she certainly put a smile on MY face!
stay well!
xxoo me
Friday, March 13, 2020
Day 4:
Who woulda thunk it. The Chinese have come to the rescue. The Chinese government has sent a boatload (literally) of experts and supplies to help Italy through this time of crisis. Great political move and much more than any other European nation or the US have done. Wow.
So no more venturing out except for walks around the block and trips to the supermarket. They are getting serious now. Our friend Beppe took his dog for an early morning walk and was stopped and checked by the police to ensure that he hadn't ventured out of his neighborhood.
Last night, in a rough but trendy zone of Torino, there was a breakout dance party entirely on balconies. The area, San Salvario, has always been iffy. Years ago GP and I rented there for a few months and at the time it was still all Italian. However it was an area run by the mob. There was a bar on the corner where a fat boss hung out day and night receiving tributes. The area was occupied by hookers and x rated movie theaters and betting houses. We had a whorehouse across the street. I have to say though, there was no safer place to park your car or walk home alone at night. No one would touch you in that neighborhood as it was watched over by the local gang. One time GP arrived home very late and exhausted from a trip and accidentally left his wallet on the dashboard of his car. Anyone who has spent any time here knows you leave NOTHING in sight in your car. He awoke in the morning in a panic, sure that someone would have broken into the car and stolen it. But no. He'd parked right in front of the corner bar. The same bar where the old boss hung out. The car was fine, with his wallet still in plain sight on the dashboard. Ironically, a few years later we moved here, to this condo, in a far nicer area; a quiet residential suburb. Our first night here, GP's car was stolen from the parking lot. But I digress. Anywho, the city area, San Salvario, is now a trendy area full of restaurants, clubs and bars and occupied by students and immigrants. It's still pretty sketchy and there are drug arrests most weekends. But last night was something special. With all the opportunities for nightlife closed, the kids who live in the area put on an impromptu party. Everyone went out on their balconies and danced. Music blasted from 100 apartments and lights were on in all the windows. There are videos on YouTube. Wonderful.
So we're hanging out and hanging in there. Be well all, xxoo me
Who woulda thunk it. The Chinese have come to the rescue. The Chinese government has sent a boatload (literally) of experts and supplies to help Italy through this time of crisis. Great political move and much more than any other European nation or the US have done. Wow.
So no more venturing out except for walks around the block and trips to the supermarket. They are getting serious now. Our friend Beppe took his dog for an early morning walk and was stopped and checked by the police to ensure that he hadn't ventured out of his neighborhood.
Last night, in a rough but trendy zone of Torino, there was a breakout dance party entirely on balconies. The area, San Salvario, has always been iffy. Years ago GP and I rented there for a few months and at the time it was still all Italian. However it was an area run by the mob. There was a bar on the corner where a fat boss hung out day and night receiving tributes. The area was occupied by hookers and x rated movie theaters and betting houses. We had a whorehouse across the street. I have to say though, there was no safer place to park your car or walk home alone at night. No one would touch you in that neighborhood as it was watched over by the local gang. One time GP arrived home very late and exhausted from a trip and accidentally left his wallet on the dashboard of his car. Anyone who has spent any time here knows you leave NOTHING in sight in your car. He awoke in the morning in a panic, sure that someone would have broken into the car and stolen it. But no. He'd parked right in front of the corner bar. The same bar where the old boss hung out. The car was fine, with his wallet still in plain sight on the dashboard. Ironically, a few years later we moved here, to this condo, in a far nicer area; a quiet residential suburb. Our first night here, GP's car was stolen from the parking lot. But I digress. Anywho, the city area, San Salvario, is now a trendy area full of restaurants, clubs and bars and occupied by students and immigrants. It's still pretty sketchy and there are drug arrests most weekends. But last night was something special. With all the opportunities for nightlife closed, the kids who live in the area put on an impromptu party. Everyone went out on their balconies and danced. Music blasted from 100 apartments and lights were on in all the windows. There are videos on YouTube. Wonderful.
So we're hanging out and hanging in there. Be well all, xxoo me
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Day 3:
Well all non necessity shops are now closed. Only supermarkets and pharmacies remain open but with limited staff and some limited hours. The shelves are nice and full though as commercial transport is still running. GP did a big supermarket run today for us and of course MIL. He came home with lots of wine so we're good. There are still some flights running, mostly KLM. I guess the dutch think they're untouchable. Trains seem to be running but probably also limited. We are in touch with our friends via Whatsapp and phone. Some are stressed out, others are taking it in stride. As walking around is the only activity left to folks, there are lots of strollers and dogs taking the air. All are keeping a respectable distance from one another.
Oh. And in response to dickhead blocking all flights from Europe and spreading hate by calling it a "foreign virus" I have this to say:
Donnie you dimwitted hatemonger, did you know that the first case of CoV in the US was brought in from China and NOT Europe? Did you know that the US with it's BEAUTIFUL private healthcare system has far fewer hospital beds and especially ICU beds than Italy, China or S.Korea, all countries with universal healthcare. (oooo bad!) AND did you know that when the shit hits the fan in The States thousands of people will end in bankruptcy for lack of healthcare and loss of work and you and your blackhearted cronies won't even pass a bill temporarily nullifying copays! Here in commie land NO ONE will lose a home, job or health coverage. Will someone PLEASE SPIT ON THAT MAN!!!!! Oh, and btw. Exempt from all CoV protective protocol are the 20,000 American troops being sent to Europe for joint exercises with European troops. Really?
stay well xxoo me
Well all non necessity shops are now closed. Only supermarkets and pharmacies remain open but with limited staff and some limited hours. The shelves are nice and full though as commercial transport is still running. GP did a big supermarket run today for us and of course MIL. He came home with lots of wine so we're good. There are still some flights running, mostly KLM. I guess the dutch think they're untouchable. Trains seem to be running but probably also limited. We are in touch with our friends via Whatsapp and phone. Some are stressed out, others are taking it in stride. As walking around is the only activity left to folks, there are lots of strollers and dogs taking the air. All are keeping a respectable distance from one another.
Oh. And in response to dickhead blocking all flights from Europe and spreading hate by calling it a "foreign virus" I have this to say:
Donnie you dimwitted hatemonger, did you know that the first case of CoV in the US was brought in from China and NOT Europe? Did you know that the US with it's BEAUTIFUL private healthcare system has far fewer hospital beds and especially ICU beds than Italy, China or S.Korea, all countries with universal healthcare. (oooo bad!) AND did you know that when the shit hits the fan in The States thousands of people will end in bankruptcy for lack of healthcare and loss of work and you and your blackhearted cronies won't even pass a bill temporarily nullifying copays! Here in commie land NO ONE will lose a home, job or health coverage. Will someone PLEASE SPIT ON THAT MAN!!!!! Oh, and btw. Exempt from all CoV protective protocol are the 20,000 American troops being sent to Europe for joint exercises with European troops. Really?
stay well xxoo me
Day 2:
About one out of 250 people in South Korea have already been tested, said the vice minister of foreign affairs on Monday. (=208.000 tests)
By comparison, the US -- with a population six times that of South Korea -- has only run about 3,700 tests in the federal CDC lab, and 4,800 in local public health labs across the country (=9500 tests su 6x popolazione di s. korea).
It's news like this that I find worrying. The reason Italy is in lock-down is because there have been so many tests done that it's been revealed just how viral this virus is! In the States the testing hasn't really even begun and there is no knowing how many people are out there infecting the populace. Beware!
As for my was warm and sunny and I spent most of the day in the garden. There are few cars on the road but lots of walkers as many folks are home from work and the weather is so lovely. MIL has not grasped the concept of lock-down. She suggested we all do pizza on Saturday. Uhmmm. No. Ah well. I'll be luck to get to 88 with all my wits. xxoo me
About one out of 250 people in South Korea have already been tested, said the vice minister of foreign affairs on Monday. (=208.000 tests)
By comparison, the US -- with a population six times that of South Korea -- has only run about 3,700 tests in the federal CDC lab, and 4,800 in local public health labs across the country (=9500 tests su 6x popolazione di s. korea).
It's news like this that I find worrying. The reason Italy is in lock-down is because there have been so many tests done that it's been revealed just how viral this virus is! In the States the testing hasn't really even begun and there is no knowing how many people are out there infecting the populace. Beware!
As for my was warm and sunny and I spent most of the day in the garden. There are few cars on the road but lots of walkers as many folks are home from work and the weather is so lovely. MIL has not grasped the concept of lock-down. She suggested we all do pizza on Saturday. Uhmmm. No. Ah well. I'll be luck to get to 88 with all my wits. xxoo me
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Day 1 quarantine:
These are the rules one needs to follow:
We are in lock-down within our own communities. Meaning, we are restricted to whatever town or city where we are resident.
You CAN go to work but if possible work from home.
You CAN go to the supermarket and other shops but shops are responsible for keeping customers at one meter distance one from the other. Shop clerks wear gloves, and sometimes masks, and pass change, credit cards etc across the counter without touching hands.
If we must leave our area, for work or some other necessity, we have to have an "auto-certification", which is a form we have to print out from a government site. We need to fill this form out and explain why we need to leave the area. (In GP's case he has filled one out to visit his mother in another town).
So what did I do on DAY 1? I visited a student 3 towns away. Naughty, naughty. I went shopping at our local home depot to get stuff for projects should we be confined to the house. (I have the garden topsy turvy and am going to refinish an old welsh cabinet). I then visited another student within my area so no problem there. I have decided that wine combats Corona virus so we polished off a nice bottle of Gewurztraminer for dinner. All good.
xxoo me
These are the rules one needs to follow:
We are in lock-down within our own communities. Meaning, we are restricted to whatever town or city where we are resident.
You CAN go to work but if possible work from home.
You CAN go to the supermarket and other shops but shops are responsible for keeping customers at one meter distance one from the other. Shop clerks wear gloves, and sometimes masks, and pass change, credit cards etc across the counter without touching hands.
If we must leave our area, for work or some other necessity, we have to have an "auto-certification", which is a form we have to print out from a government site. We need to fill this form out and explain why we need to leave the area. (In GP's case he has filled one out to visit his mother in another town).
So what did I do on DAY 1? I visited a student 3 towns away. Naughty, naughty. I went shopping at our local home depot to get stuff for projects should we be confined to the house. (I have the garden topsy turvy and am going to refinish an old welsh cabinet). I then visited another student within my area so no problem there. I have decided that wine combats Corona virus so we polished off a nice bottle of Gewurztraminer for dinner. All good.
xxoo me
Well it's official. We're in Lock down. I'm not sure exactly how restrictive this will become but at the moment it won't change our lives much. There are no public gatherings, cinemas, sporting events, and schools are closed until further notice. Shops and restaurants are open but have restricted hours and clients must be kept at a safe distance from each other. (Minimum a meter) We haven't stocked up on food or barricaded our doors. In fact I'm off to tutor a student in just a bit. If you don't hear from me again I've been sentenced to 3 years in prison. xxoo me
Monday, March 9, 2020
Seems like the psychological terrorism on MIL has worked. GP just dropped off her delivery from Lidl and she has agreed not to go out. Phew.
My lessons are beginning to cancel. One family has taken off for Miami where mom is from. Another has headed to their mountain home. Yet another is hiding out at home on the border of the "red zone". Yikes.
xxoo me
Seems like the psychological terrorism on MIL has worked. GP just dropped off her delivery from Lidl and she has agreed not to go out. Phew.
My lessons are beginning to cancel. One family has taken off for Miami where mom is from. Another has headed to their mountain home. Yet another is hiding out at home on the border of the "red zone". Yikes.
xxoo me
So here's the scoop.
I made it back from the UK. No controls on the way there but they checked our temps on landing here. Schools are closed. This is week 3. At this point they'll be going through July. I'm soooo glad I quit! I'm still tutoring one on one at students homes. Gyms, cinemas, events are all cancelled. Anywhere crowds would gather in close proximity. Soccer matches are going on but without spectators. The big dilemma is whether the station that owns the rights to the televised games will show them on regular TV. THAT'S WHAT'S IMPORTANT.
Kids home from school means the folks upstairs are home 24/7. Vacuuming. Arguing. The poor kid who has no life under normal circumstances, now can't even escape to go to school. He spends all day studying. He actually dared to lie on his bed working and his mother screamed, "Sit up! During the day you have to sit up to study. You can studying lying down in the evening." Someday he's gonna snap and we'll see these people on the front page of the paper.
There is no panic. No panic buying. No mobbing the hospitals. Many of those in quarantine are just thrilled to be at home from work. We are not yet within the quarantined area though it's a short drive from here. Actually went yesterday to just outside the "red zone" to pick up plants at a great garden center. Wanted to make sure I had them before they were on lock down! Yes it's Spring here. Snicker, snicker. My exercise classes are cancelled so doing yoga at home which is just not as effective. I keep getting distracted. In the down dog position it's way too easy to note all the dust under the furniture.
It is a serious situation. I'm not taking it lightly. But of the huge numbers of people who have tested positive for the virus, (Italy has tested almost 9000 people whereas the States fewer than 1,600), many are asymptomatic. Others have flu like symptoms but will be fine. A very small percentage are hospitalized and fewer yet die. It's like a very bad flu year where no one was vaccinated. The people most at risk are elderly and/or compromised. (Median age 81, mostly males and with other underlying illnesses). The major problem is that the virus is so damned catchy that the numbers are HUGE. Huge because Italy has one of the highest aging populations in the world. There are grey hairs everywhere! Hospitals simply can't handle the numbers in isolation and ICU and staff are becoming ill which means a shortage of doctors and nurses.
Our worry is of course MIL. And she is not being very cooperative. God is that woman stubborn! Her biggest concern is food. And she LOVES Lidl, the German super-saver supermarket. She scans the fliers and circles all of the things she wants on special. She must go on exactly the day that the specials are being offered. Normally she would walk there but GP has told her when she needs something he'll go. She has got this poor guy driving back and forth constantly. In order to save 5 cents on a package of crackers he's spending 10 euro in gas. And here's the thing. If he says, "no, I'll go once a week and get everything", she'll go on her own. She insists on going to the market and mass and wants us to take her to her favorite BUFFET RESTAURANT. So last night we coordinated a sting. We had her over for dinner and bombarded her with terrifying information. She is a prime candidate at 88 with asthma and heart issues. If she ends up in the hospital we can't visit her and she'll be ON A RESTRICTED DIET! I think that did the trick. We'll see.
Anywho be careful wherever you are. This thing is everywhere. I just hope it can be contained before it's time for me to fly home! I'll keep you updated. xxoo me
I made it back from the UK. No controls on the way there but they checked our temps on landing here. Schools are closed. This is week 3. At this point they'll be going through July. I'm soooo glad I quit! I'm still tutoring one on one at students homes. Gyms, cinemas, events are all cancelled. Anywhere crowds would gather in close proximity. Soccer matches are going on but without spectators. The big dilemma is whether the station that owns the rights to the televised games will show them on regular TV. THAT'S WHAT'S IMPORTANT.
Kids home from school means the folks upstairs are home 24/7. Vacuuming. Arguing. The poor kid who has no life under normal circumstances, now can't even escape to go to school. He spends all day studying. He actually dared to lie on his bed working and his mother screamed, "Sit up! During the day you have to sit up to study. You can studying lying down in the evening." Someday he's gonna snap and we'll see these people on the front page of the paper.
There is no panic. No panic buying. No mobbing the hospitals. Many of those in quarantine are just thrilled to be at home from work. We are not yet within the quarantined area though it's a short drive from here. Actually went yesterday to just outside the "red zone" to pick up plants at a great garden center. Wanted to make sure I had them before they were on lock down! Yes it's Spring here. Snicker, snicker. My exercise classes are cancelled so doing yoga at home which is just not as effective. I keep getting distracted. In the down dog position it's way too easy to note all the dust under the furniture.
It is a serious situation. I'm not taking it lightly. But of the huge numbers of people who have tested positive for the virus, (Italy has tested almost 9000 people whereas the States fewer than 1,600), many are asymptomatic. Others have flu like symptoms but will be fine. A very small percentage are hospitalized and fewer yet die. It's like a very bad flu year where no one was vaccinated. The people most at risk are elderly and/or compromised. (Median age 81, mostly males and with other underlying illnesses). The major problem is that the virus is so damned catchy that the numbers are HUGE. Huge because Italy has one of the highest aging populations in the world. There are grey hairs everywhere! Hospitals simply can't handle the numbers in isolation and ICU and staff are becoming ill which means a shortage of doctors and nurses.
Our worry is of course MIL. And she is not being very cooperative. God is that woman stubborn! Her biggest concern is food. And she LOVES Lidl, the German super-saver supermarket. She scans the fliers and circles all of the things she wants on special. She must go on exactly the day that the specials are being offered. Normally she would walk there but GP has told her when she needs something he'll go. She has got this poor guy driving back and forth constantly. In order to save 5 cents on a package of crackers he's spending 10 euro in gas. And here's the thing. If he says, "no, I'll go once a week and get everything", she'll go on her own. She insists on going to the market and mass and wants us to take her to her favorite BUFFET RESTAURANT. So last night we coordinated a sting. We had her over for dinner and bombarded her with terrifying information. She is a prime candidate at 88 with asthma and heart issues. If she ends up in the hospital we can't visit her and she'll be ON A RESTRICTED DIET! I think that did the trick. We'll see.
Anywho be careful wherever you are. This thing is everywhere. I just hope it can be contained before it's time for me to fly home! I'll keep you updated. xxoo me
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