Oh London, what an oxymoron of a city. As Grace and I were strolling along a lovely street with those white Georgian townhouses, expensive little boutiques and cafes, well dressed "posh" people all about, a young guy stumbled past us and began
loudly upchucking all over the steps of someone's house. It was only about 5pm and he'd obviously already reached his limit. Earlier we had been sitting in a Starbucks, always a first stop, when a man picked up another customer's iphone right off his table and walked out with it. The phone's owner jumped up, ran after and confronted the thief who very humbly returned the phone. The entire exchange was unobtrusive and polite. So English. In London you see the most conservative businessmen with their bowlers and umbrellas and the most outrageous cross-dressers and funky haired punks or hippies. A meal will bankrupt you but museums are free and a theater ticket is under $20. A one-way ride on the underground is an outrageous 5 bucks, the same as a good, cold pint at a pub. Oxymoron.
Unfortunately my 2 days went way too quickly. I could spend weeks just wandering in and out of the museums and parks. What I love about the museums being free is that I don't feel I have to spend hours seeing every room in order to get my money's worth. I went to the National Gallery and just looked at the Impressionists, The British Museum to see the Egyptian rooms and the Tate Modern to see Meredith Frampton, then I left. In my most humble opinion, most "modern" art is crap. If I see one more pile of rocks, or roll of string called a
"masterpiece" I'll throw a tantrum. Anywhoooo. Grace and I also went to see a musical called
Sunny Afternoon. It's about the 60's group The Kinks and it was fabulous. Their story and music are timeless. By the end of the show everyone was on their feet singing and dancing, young and old. Now
me young one is there on her own with a friend and I'm back here washing curtains. Haven't had enough of museums yet though, so going to the GAM to see Modigliani this afternoon. xxoo me
Big Ben and the doubledeckers |
Grace |
Beautiful spring borders |
The Eye on the Thames |
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