Our neighbors to the right of us have a tall palm tree in their garden. This year two mourning doves have decided to place their nest in it. If you've never heard large birds crashing in and out of a palm all day this would be eye opening. The racket they
make is unbelievable. You know those adventure films where a large man
fights his way thru a jungle with a machete? Ya. Like that. All
The tree |
Yesterday I did a video with actor neighbors who have, obviously, been stuck at home. No one knows when they'll get back to theaters and studios so they have been making all sorts of videos and doing whatever it is one does with these videos. I am so savvy. Anywho. So they asked me to read a fairy tale in English while Iliana read the same story in Italian. It was fun. I'm sure I will make millions.
xxoo me
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