View from Convento de Cristo once a Templar stronghold

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Man oh man is Italy up in arms!  The bars are pullulating, the corners and park benches are swarming, the news is covering nothing else!  More than the immigrant crisis, more than the lack of government, (still in stalemate, no deals have been made so one declared official winner), more than economic down turns, earthquakes and rotten weather...

Last night there was a "football"* match between Real Madrid and our local team Juventus.  They were competing for a spot in the semi-finals of the Champion League.  Though Juventus is a top-tier team, Real Madrid is possibly the best team in the world and it was a given that they would win.  In a weird scoring system that I can't be bothered to understand, Juventus had to score 3 goals against Madrid just to break even and 4 to win.  Impossible.  No way on God's green earth.  When Hell freezes over.  You get the picture.  By the end of the game, going into overtime, Juventus had 3 goals to Madrid's 0.  Unfreakingbelievable.  Even GP and I were excited and we are fair weather fans at best.  Then, at the last minute, the ref gave a much disputed penalty shot to Madrid.  Juventus protested which led to their star goalie being expelled from the game.  In came the replacement goalie, RONALDO, (heard of him?), was given the penalty shot, goal made, game over, Madrid goes on to the semi-finals.  People in the stands were deranged.  There was screaming and hair-pulling and general hysteria.  If I were that referee I'd get a body-guard or six because A LOT of distraught fans are making threats.  Kids at school today had to be told there would be no discussing the game in class because so many students were in tears, (a couple of teachers too).  Nuts.

I like sports.  I like to participate in them, or did when my body could handle it.  I loved to watch school sports and cheer on the local teams.  And since living here I have even taken to watching the occasional Juventus game on TV as many of the players kids go to our school.  But I've never understood this kind of obsession with a sport or a team.  We'll be hearing about this game for a long time to come.  Whatever....  xxoo me

*Football in quotes because don't these people know that it's called soccer?  Football is that stupid sport for big men with small eyes and concussions.

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