View from Convento de Cristo once a Templar stronghold

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Well it's been a week since friend N left and it hasn't stopped drizzling.  But on the good side EVERYTHING has bloomed and is growing like mad.  The roadsides are lined with poppies and other wildflowers, all the fruit trees are pink and white and the smells are heady.  I'm sneezing up a storm.  I love this time of year.  Tomorrow is a big day.  I'm going in to talk to the headmaster to see about my job next year.  Apart from the fact that I want to know if I even have a job, I want to take a month off to get Grace settled in the UK and spend more time in the US.  Then there is the issue of my measly salary but that may have to wait for another day.  This man is such a despicable human being that I dread meeting with him.  Fortunately on a daily basis I never do.  I have to prepare for head games and out and out lies so this should be fun.  Tonight I'm making notes!  Oops.  Raining again and I'm outside.  Must escape!

GP is away for work tonight so I can go WILD with my cooking and use onions and garlic galore!  Who ever heard of an Italian that doesn't eat either onions or garlic.  I've met various that don't like one or the other, but both?  Italians are obsessed with their digestion.  God forbid they burp up something.  They'll never eat it again.  "I can't eat pigs snout.  I don't digest it."  When you have a meal at one's home they will always ask if you have "digested" after.  It is a terrible way to lose face if someone should NOT!  At the same time they ply you with huge quantities of food and wine.  It takes me a week to process a serious Italian lunch.  Imagine a python who eats a goat.  Kinda feels like that.  Anyway, for we girls it's fajitas!  Who will I eat onions and garlic with next year?  Sniff.  xxoo me

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