View from Convento de Cristo once a Templar stronghold

Sunday, March 16, 2014

It is only 2:30 and I have already accomplished an amazing amount today.  GP woke up early and headed up to the mountains.  I'm done with winter so I stayed here where there are flowers in need of tending and no snow.  I have tidied the apartment and started my heavy spring cleaning.  I'm no housekeeper and spring is the only time of year I get out the ladder and clean the unreachable or wash the curtains.  All the doors and windows are open.  I can smell Sunday dinner being cooked in a dozen households and the soccer game on even more radios.   I've sorted through winter clothes, put away heavy bed covers, organized cupboards and storage.  I'm a regular whirling dervish!  (An aside here.  I decided to look up whirling dervish as I knew it had something to do with men from some Middle Eastern or Asian country spinning in circles and wondered why we use this expression and this is what I read.  (n.) A person whose behavior resembles a rapid, spinning object. These actions are often spastic fidgeting and incessant babbling. The actions of the whirling dervish are irritating and annoying, often exhausting other people in the immediate vicinity.  Damn!  That's me!)  Well irritating or not, I feel I deserve a rest so I'm retiring to the sun with a book.  xxoo me

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