View from Convento de Cristo once a Templar stronghold
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
They are changing rules and regulations so quickly here it makes your head spin. Nobody knows what's going on. After SECOND positive test a week after 1st, they've told me to come back in 4 days. According to my pharmacist neighbor I should have to wait another week. I just wanna get out of here! I'm going stir crazy. How much yoga and netflix can 1 person take?!
Italy is in the midst of an election for President. The President is chosen by parliament The President ISN"T the head of State. THAT is the Prime Minister, who is chosen by the President. The PM needs to be approved by the Parliament. How the members of Parliament are elected confuses the heck out of me. Some are directly elected, some are installed by parties, some are voted in by non-resident Italians, some are "senators for life". All I know is that there are A LOT of them representing A LOT of parties. In the States we have 441 representatives and 100 senators who make up our congress for a population of just over 334 million. In Italy the parliament is made up of over 1000 people for a population of a bit over 60 million. Think maybe we are a little government heavy here? Just maybe? Anywho. I watch it with a passive eye. No matter how long I live here it still feels like someone else's problem. As though I don't have a stake in the outcome. The hubby has said I live like a tourist. I wish he were right! If I were a tourist I'd be traveling and eating out and enjoying the heck outta this place!
Oh well. Back to yoga and netflix. ooxx me
Friday, January 21, 2022
Covid here! Covid there! Covid everywhere! Sweeping through like wildfire. 2 weeks ago, first MIL then the hubby, came down with flu-like symptoms. They tested and retested but came up negative for Covid. I carried on with my lessons as I assumed they simply had seasonal flu. Then last Sunday I got a message from a student saying that she had tested positive along with her classmates. I booked a test for Monday and VOILA! Positive. I had, and still have, minor cold symptoms. In Italy if you have Covid you are given a 6 month reprieve on vaccines so no booster for me. GP should have gone in for his booster today but on a whim he went for yet another test last night. Positive. He feels fine. He has completely recovered from his "flu". Huh. Our nextdoor neighbors had their boosters the other day and were sick as dogs. THEN their kids tested positive. NOW THEY ARE POSITIVE AND STILL ILL FROM BOOSTER! Nuts. We can't get a straight answer on quarantining either. The pharmacist where I had my test gave me an appointment for 5 days later (tomorrow) to have a second test. She said if it's negative I'm good to go. BUT various government sites say 7 to 10 days depending (on who the Hell knows what) and 21 days if I continue to test positive after all symptoms are gone! Our neighbor, 3 vaccines, positive, sick as a dog, is a pharmacist and she says 10 days of quarantine for us as it's been 6 months since our 2nd vaccines. This is complete madness. I am bored silly AND dieting so can't even cook and drink! I have binge watched the last season of After Life and the latest of Queer Eye and bawled through all of it. I've read so many books the past 2 years I can't keep them apart in me wee brain. AHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHH! Well that feels better.
Be well. xxoo, me
Saturday, January 8, 2022
My hubby's paranoid fears of a totalitarian government are being realized! The state of emergency that was (anti-constitutionally) extended means that no elections will be held this year. The government has now made vaccines obligatory for all citizens over 50 BUT one has to sign a waiver releasing the authorities from responsibilty should there be any side effects. What's THAT about? I'm certainly no anti-vaxer but I do believe in individual choice. There is a fine for those who do not comply of 100 euros and a big fat fine of 1000 - 1600 if you try to enter any establishment. What's more, the business is fined for not having checked the green pass. But all of this doesn't mean people are actually complying. This IS Italy mind you.
Last Sunday we spent the day with our neighbors who have a charming little apartment in the mountains. For a big lunch of course. There were 9 of us around a long rustic table covered in local cheeses, sausages cooks in a spicy tomato sauce, polenta, risotto and of course wine. It was a fabulous way to see out the holidays. The above photo is the view from their balcony. Not too shabby. Monday the diet starts. Every year we do this. "Vaccare" (to pig-out though literally translates into "To Cow") for weeks and then repent for a month or so. Let's see how long it will last this time.
Happy 2022! xxoo me
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