View from Convento de Cristo once a Templar stronghold

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

dreaming of sugarplums

Just a few photos of Christmas Eve in the Torino.  We took a walk to see the lights before coming home to Grace's preferred dinner of Mac and Cheese with cheddar brought over from the UK.   Yesterday we had the morning at home, exchanging presents and eating chocolate for breakfast, then Christmas lunch with MIL and her cousin and daughter from across the landing.  We typically ate too much and spent all evening on the sofa complaining about it.  Grace gave me a wonderful gift.  Two tickets to see Sam Smith at the Arena in Verona in May.  There are so many good components to this!  First I love Sam Smith.  He has the voice of an angel.  Then, it is at the Arena which is a mini Colosseum, an open amphitheater built by the Romans.  It's gorgeous.  Verona is lovely.  It's in May which SHOULD be warm and dry.  I'm so excited! 

Grace is heading back to London on Thursday evening.  Weather permitting, GP and I will hop in the car and drive to Southwestern France for the New Year.

Here is praying that 2018 brings us all peace and good health and tranquility.  xxoo me

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

I haven't been writing lately because either I've felt there has been nothing interesting to say or I've been overwhelmed with political vitriol and have intentionally stopped myself from spewing it.  So....

A sparkly Merry Christmas to everyone!

It has been a particularly cold December here.  Days in the high 20's, low 30's and nites in the teens. Very Maine like.  I'm ready for the cold to end.  My room at school gets no morning sun and is flippin' freezing in the early AM.  Have been greeting my morning classes in coat and scarf.  Italians are very bad at handling the cold.  In fact our little gas water heater/heating system, no bigger than a breadbox, is overwrought and keeps going into "block" which leaves me halfway through a shower with cold water and a bad attitude.  So much for Global F@#$ing Warming!  This fall has been completely uneventful.  Work, diet, a book at 9 pm in bed.  Sad but true.  Blowing diet big time now that the holidays are here of course.  School dinner, get together with friends and a retirement party for a gal that worked 32 years with our school all in the last week.  WHO works in the same place for 32 years!  I haven't done anything for 32 years apart from live!  And GP....  Wow.  The Grace comes home tomorrow but is only staying a week.  Seems she would rather be in London than here with her parents over the break.  Are you kidding me?  So we have decided we'll show HER!  GP and I are off to the Southwest of France for the new year.  Languedoc and the Camargue.  Oysters and Champagne!  Snooty folk and bad bathrooms!  Anywho that is the plan.  MIL is expecting us for Christmas dinner.  We'll be joined by equally ancient cousin from across the hall and her daughter, our age, Paola.  It will be a battle to see who is permitted to do the dishes. See!  I've avoided politics!  I haven't said the T word!  Wishing us all a better 2018.  xx oo Moi